Turns Grey Hair Into Black


                                                  Today i am going to tell u a secret which will turn your grey hair into black.This is very effective house tip which is 100% works when you will b apply,the impressive results will become in front of you.
           This remedy not only turns grey hair into black shiny hair but also make your memory sharp,so let's see what it is.

big raisin not small                      8 piece            
almond                                          8 piece
whole black paper                        8 piece

Method to use:-
                           Take all three things and put them into a bowl or glass and add some water in glass untill all the things deep into the water. Soak them over night , at morning time after peeling almonds eat all three things  but make sure that before eating anyother thing.
   This is very very amazing tip to control white hair this secret tip not only stop white hair but also turns them into black
This is the secret which my mother told me an i am telling you i hope you must  try this after some day the results will be you see,but the use of this tip must be constant even for some then you will see the effective results.
Next time i will tell you how you can make your hair longer must visit my next post on that i will tellingyou about a magical oil which make your hair longer,shiny,healthy and smoother don't miss
                                                 thank you...!!!!!


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